Monday, July 29, 2013

You need a drink.

I can't lie to you, today started out like shit. I couldn't rectify the nasty of the day, so although I made an agreement with myself to not drink this week, I'm drinking. At 3:52 PM.  Screw it. I did promise that if I were to post about alcohol, I'd have had some alcohol, right? I'm not getting fancy today. This is the old standby:
Tito's vodka, and club soda. I fruited it with 4 cherries.
I like what I like. And the older I get the more I don't just like what I like.... I'll cut you if it's not available at the bar. I'll have an emotional breakdown if the place has only craptastic liquors, bartenders who don't know how to tip that heavy pour, or sweet sweet jeebus, JUST BEER. JUST DISGUSTING BEER. I'll kick you in the back if you take me there.
I'm not kidding.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Not every day is a PR day.

Deep down somewhere, I'm a realist.
 I know everyday in the gym isn't going to be a record setting, life changing event. That does not change the fact that every single morning I get ready for a workout, I mentally prep for it being a big day. This is a REAAAAL BIG DAY! The self talk is absolutely something else. So anytime I complete a one rep max lift before a WOD and don't PR I go from this:

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Get on the floor... and do your dance do your dance.

It sounds pretty awful, the saying, To Falling Apart. I mean, even when you googley the phrase, you'll notice some of the descriptors include, " drop wounded or dead, especially in battle." and  " experience defeat, or ruin."

I mean, DAMN. That SO drives the point home, because it's exactly how that day/week or even a MONTH can truly feel. And it hurts, a freaking lot.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

On going Paleo...and my love of the creamer

That's actually how I feel about saying, "I'm going Paleo." In fact, I see the ethical and wellness merits of many dietary lifestyles (Vegan, Vegetarian, Zone), but proclaiming a hard fact about myself is not my bag, baby.  So I should be bendy about this and say, I'm about as close to Paleo as it's going to ever get. The Paleo Diet is the one I find most appropriate for my personal health and wellness based up on GI issues I've had with most grains/wheat, and my new found horror of what I can only assume is Lactose Intolerance. Yeah, you know how I found that out. Suicide by dairy intake. It was delicious, and also I'd like to take this moment to formally apologize to my in-laws for the aftermath. Anyhow, I'm not going to inundate you with Paleo sites, you're a big boy or girl. Go googley it.