I mean, DAMN. That SO drives the point home, because it's exactly how that day/week or even a MONTH can truly feel. And it hurts, a freaking lot.
I am unbelievably certain I'd rather have something physically painful afflict me for a few weeks than one day of true, heart wrenching emotion. I always wonder if anyone else feels the same. I digress. As I feel like I'm currently LIVING this cheesed out poster I located on The Pinterest.... I love that second part. REBUILD.
I am unbelievably certain I'd rather have something physically painful afflict me for a few weeks than one day of true, heart wrenching emotion. I always wonder if anyone else feels the same. I digress. As I feel like I'm currently LIVING this cheesed out poster I located on The Pinterest.... I love that second part. REBUILD.
I'd make that so much bigger but I don't know how to adjust font size on this kakamayme blog yet.
When the city is burned, and you stand in the ashes of the event(s) that brought you to this place.... here's the real question:
Wasn't there shit you didn't like in there ANYWAY?
You know your better than this puffy-faced nightmare. Comb your hair. Ladies, get some makeup on you look like the Crypt Keeper (j/k. I mean I dunno, but I def do when I wrecked with sad). It's hard to get off the floor and renew your purpose but, man it's waiting for you. Good people are waiting for you to return. Don't let them down, they need the best of you.
Whatever that may be.
Whatever sets your soul on fire!!
Now get up.
Put some pants on.
Seriously, get some pants on that's indecent exposure and friends don't let friends be nude, no matter how motivated they are.
And if you still feel like ass, read this: Stop glossing over the good stuff
haha! I can't say for sure if kakamayme has a correct spelling because I love the phonetic one so much... it cracks me up. We have been really amazed, and lucky to have found a few new acquaintances that I hope become friends at our new CrossFit, as well a very fun friend "blind date", thanks Chels!. Just missing all the things that were so close my heart back home with you guys!
I gotta say, I loved you're phonetic spelling. Miss your face Judy. Come back and visit whenever you can. We always have a room!
@Vanessa, You know I will!! :)
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