Friday, September 20, 2013

Sometimes I like to switch it up

What in the woooooooooorrrlllld.....this isn't a boozy blog?!
Holy Moley, I'm wigging out too!

Right now, I'm 15 minutes post run... you heard me. I RAN. In fact, I've been secretly running and haven't told you for nearly a month. I know, I'm keeping a lot of exciting secrets these days... cooking fails and undercover running.  I want to tell you running is crazy, and I'm a little crazy so we might be perfect for one another. At this minute I'm still trying to shake off a flu, and my lower body is made of lead after yesterday's heavy back squats and it's 6:45 in the freaking morning...but here I am. A three mile run, done! Oh yeah, I said it. Three whooooole miles. With what I determined was a serious race pace, but that a member of Oprah's Walking Connection would destroy with one swift hip stride. Even more shocking... I was up before the sun. And like the handful of times I straggled through the door of CrossFit 702 at 6am, I was belligerent, mismatched, and just trying to survive.
Again, if I'm this slow and this miserable... why do it? I already CrossFit, isn't that enough? Should I see a therapist for whatever is propelling me to suffer this much?

I ask myself time and time again, but the answer is always this: because there is something beautiful to see on every run. Beautiful! Even on the most mundane route, with the nastiest ass weather, something grabs my heart (my heart, not my ipod... I'm not getting mugged. Promise.) and it keeps me moving. Without a doubt I live for the feeling of accomplishment of laying it all on line with a CrossFit WOD,  and the competition with myself to do more every day.
It makes me feel like Mighty Mouse!
Look at him.... he totally lifts, bro!
 If he flexed anymore his (her? Is this a drag show with that lipstick and falsies? I dunno) biceps would wreck that spandex.
Wait, does Mighty Mouse skip leg day?? WTH.
Regardless... running, at any speed is more for my soul than for my fitness. Sure, I'd love to pick up the pace and school those mall walkers... but lately I've actually caught myself smiling while running just because I'm happy. Running makes me a little more optimistic about everything. The science behind it (Runner's high) makes you roll your eyes at this post. I get it, how cliché! And the madness continues because I can't think of anything I'd rather do than watch the sunrise.... and I got to do it running this morning. It was spectacular, beyond words. So to anyone who isn't nursing an injury, and is physically capable of briskly walking/jogging/running and has written it off for whatever reason... I feel like throwing down the gauntlet.
Three miles. 
That's it. At whatever pace your capable of that breaks a pretty good sweat... and up just before the sun rises one morning next week.  I don't really expect anyone to do this, especially anyone who hates running... but I'd LOVE to hear how you felt after (if you do it)!
Most importantly, I'm not suggesting anyone ditch their preferred form of fitness. Let's be clear this girl's not leaving CrossFit!
 I love the lift. 
(By god I hope you get this reference. Get off my blog if you don't. You're shaming yourself)
I  don't believe engaging in other fitness interests is like cheating on your boyfriend/girlfriend/sexy dentist. I'm a loyalist in most arenas, but this ain't one of 'em. It's fitness man, I'm fist pumping with excitement that you're active at something! Most of America isn't, so good for you.  I'm just a firm believer you can mix up high intensity fitness with a little peace and tranquility every now and again. And that's what running is for me. A little R&R...

Wishing you all a gorgeous Friday!
- smiling, crippled Judy

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