Thursday, September 05, 2013

FACEOFF, Part 1 (The Watch)

Rock Em’ Sock ‘Em for Running Watches.
Garmin 201 Forerunner VS. Garmin 10

First, look at this 201 Forerunner. It’s fucking gigantic.
 This person has a normal sized arm,  and no joke this thing goes up to my mid-forearm. I really feel like Data from Next Gen Star Trek. Bee Bop Boo Beep
And it's heavy. Look at this lady:
She's physically exhausted from wearing this wrist weight.
 She's crumpled to the ground. It's just become too much for her.
I get it, sister, I get it.
I purchased this especially pricey watch in ’09 because I was certain, just certain I was going to become a consistent sub 8-minute miler, and a racing FOOL.  5K, 10K, I like Special K! You name it, I was going to do it. I wore the snazzy (also chaffy, and schweaty/smelly when not washed) heart rate monitor strap-on for every run. I  estimated, and monitored my speed vs. my heart rate vs. how good my hair looked in the wind. It looked pretty amazing, FYI.  I even took up cycling briefly in ’11, and this GO-GO Gadget doo-dad was very functional on the ride as well. I mean, shit. I was practically a triathlete. Two out of Three. 
66% of the time, it works every time.  

But you get a visual of the person I was? THAT’S WHO THIS WATCH IS FOR. A multisport athlete who not only enjoys but requires greater functionality, and is too busy destroying their best times to care that they have a tan line the size of a Cessna on their wrist/forearm/ankle (you can go all house arrest with this thing, I’m sure).
It’s overall accuracy, speedy GPS pick up, and ways to analyze your run/ride data is excellent, and you can spend your life doing so. Technology has since greatly advanced and I believe they make a model comparable Garmin 201, see this link below: Garmin 210. In fact, it looks very stylish... and oh yeah, the price went up, again.

On to this nifty little device.
 The Garmin Forerunner 10
OMG. Isn't it for sure the cutest thing EVER? 
It really is adorable. Even in a neutral color, it’s a small and a tad fem even for me, but I think some folks may enjoy that quality. I purchased this fella in my current mind set, and that is to diversify my fitness portfolio. I’ve spent the past 6 months almost exclusively in a CrossFit gym and I was really struggling with simple metabolic conditioning workouts. 800 meter runs were murdering me, and I was wondering where the competent runner within me had gone. So to enhance my CrossFit workouts, I incorporated endurance training back into my life with the Garmin Forerunner 10. It’s light, it’s easy, it’s breezy, CoverGirl! In my mind this watch is a little pricey for it’s limited use (running only), and the fact that it can’t assist you in targeting a goal heart rate.  Or figuring out how many drinks…errrrr donuts you earned (PS you can have more drinks, and maybe one decent donut. PSA drink more, donut less). It states you can calculate calories, but that's based on body weight alone, which is a nice guestimate but not altogether scientific. Regardless, it’s still very functional and the Garmin Connect site allows you to continue monitoring your progress in an online forum. I’m still exploring that site, and the possibilities seem endless.  Truth abouty this item? I feel like this watch is a best fit for the casual fitness and fun runner. If you’re a dedicated marathoner who is tracking for bigger, badder PR’s and comprehensive body informatics… this ain’t for you. You’ll be disappointed with it’s 4 buttons, and bubblegum profile.  
But it suits me just fine for now. And I’m guessing this watch is up more people’s alley than not.

Have a phenomenal weekend, friends! I’m rounding out my second drink here in the Charlotte Airport...

and jogging to my connecting flight.

Airport Wifi cost is an public raping,

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