Monday, October 07, 2013

Update Blogspot followers/friends: IS LIVE!

How exciting... and a little bit scary!
I'm moving out of my parent's house and I 've got my own place.... or that's at least what relocating to my own blog site feels like.

 I truly hope you have enjoyed my misadventures here on!

 If you are interested in future posts, please visit this link on Facebook and 'like' the J is For Judy page. You can also visit my blog directly by clicking this link:
... and subscribing to email notifications of the next posting!

Regardless, I'll be linking the newest blog posts to Facebook weekly, exclusively to the J is for Judy page! 

Lots of love,

Thursday, October 03, 2013

I was told there would be punch and pie.

Put your hands together for people that bake.

I love stock photography.
 Everyone got the memo on cheering except for the lady on the far left in dark gray.
That's a tentative smile at best, she's not even sure why she's here.
Right now, give bakers a round of applause, because we take our dessert making friends and pastry chefs all over the world for granted. Really guys, baking is hard. Once upon a time, I spent many stressful years in chemistry labs. I remember my organic chemistry professor instructing our class to make a substance called Methyl Red, so you can imagine the stuff titrating into my beaker was required to be... the color of RED. He circled the room to see a whole lot of people producing that exact solution. When he got to my station, this hilarious character said, "So, are we distilling milk?"... and I was given an F for that lab. F, not for Fantastic.  As it turns out baking, like chemistry, is actually science, and I'm not sure I passed it last night in my attempt to make my first apple pie.... ever. You can see for yourself below: