Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dear Diary,

It's been 6 whole weeks since I've had any candy, and I just couldn't live like that anymore. I don't care much for dessert, but I live for what many of my girl friends affectionately refer to as man candy because their husbands love it but they can't stand it. While I was nestled all snug in my bed, visions of  88 cent knock off CVS Swedish Fish, Mike and Ike (tropical and original flavors), and Jelly Bellies danced in my head. Really truly, I had a dream last night about buying bags of the fishes and stuffing them down my face as fast as possible. So instead of pretending I wasn't going to have a break down, I just let the break down happen today. To make matters worse, I was gag gifted a pretttttty class-ay bottle of wine, and I can't help but think it was a natural pairing to wash down the full blown meltdown.

Nooooooo. That's not White Zinfandel.
Why yes. Yes it is. I'm sad it's not Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill to be honest with you. I miss that shit.
Oh 1998,  the summer of of BF, Watermelon Pucker, and some pretty terrible college soccer decisions...
Are you laughing at the aerator beside it? Madness. You shut your mouth. It's clearly enhancing this two buck chuck to.... um, $2.57 chuck. I'm not telling you I would ever buy this for myself, but look. It's in my fridge. It's a gift, and I'm no party foul kind of gal. I'd like to formally acknowlege that it tasted like rainbows and felt like cool breeze on a stifling southern day. It equally tasted like shitty, shitty candy wine, but nevertheless it made a phenomenal pairing with all 4 wax textured fishy flavors.
I know you want to know, how much of that diabetic wasteland did she really get through? Is she beyond sick? Well only time will tell, but I feel like someone's engraving a Winners Circle trophy for me right now for eating just over 1/2 a bag of the fish and umm.... yep, that wine is going down tonight. I'll admit my shame, I'm finishing the bottle. I don't even know why we have wine stoppers for an unfinished bottle, we laugh and laugh and laugh about that every time we open a bottle. It's hilarious to me right now, I'm cracking up. WE'RE NO QUITTERS! It's a bottle of wine not a jar of mayonnaise, you can finish it big boys and girls. I believe in you! The fate of the rest of this nutritional garbage? Truth? It's leaving with my husband tomorrow to give to his classmates. I can't pretend it won't be breakfast, lunch, or a mid WOD snack I pop in my mouth between burpees (oooh!! a jelly bean! nomnomnom) if it lives here. General point of this particular post being indulgence is fantastically ok on the odd occasion, right?  I mean If I did this chronically I'd be perpetually sick, fail miserably at daily workouts (if I could even make it to one), and devoid of any lasting energy. While I'm absolutely still endeavoring for greater fitness and a few pounds of weight loss (get it right, get it tight as a famous rap philosopher once said) ... this event isn't a deal breaker and I'm pretty excited to hit the gym hard this week and dedicate myself to measurable goals I know I can kick the crap out of. 
Alright, time to cook an proper meal and finish the finest bottle White Zin around.


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